Anyone here speak English?
2006-06-21 14:52:44 UTC
I speak english. Do you? That would be cool. This is probably in the worng category, cuz I don't sprecknsie Deustch
Neun antworten:
2006-06-21 15:32:59 UTC
Hey over there. I´m not sure if my English is good enough but I would say: YES, I speak English (or I try to do).

Why do you search people who speak English this way?

Is it only for fun or are you really interested in anybody who is able to write in English?

Best wishes, Princessa
2006-06-21 22:08:19 UTC
No no no no no,never ever we are living behind the rainbow, search our gold!If you find it don`t tell Mr. BushHe try to take our ressources.kidding welcome
2006-06-22 10:53:20 UTC
Hi there,

I'm South African... speak Afrikaans and Enligsh fluently.

Could speak German well, worked there 4 years ago, can hardly speak it now but can still read and understand.

Enjoy ur day
2006-06-22 06:58:10 UTC
Yes, so what is your Q. beside

"Anyone here speak English"?
2006-06-22 01:22:57 UTC
I do. I stayed in Boston for 8 months and it was great.
2006-06-22 00:29:50 UTC
I Am german but i do live in america i was born in America. therefore I am a citizen but my mother is 100% German...he was born around hamberg (in germany) but since i was born in america i grew aroung the english laguage but my mother has a very harsh german accient but speaks english well, Thanks for the question! =)

But my mother has become a citizen

But i still speak german but i think it's better for me to answer English questions!

=) thanks again!
2006-06-21 23:16:56 UTC
2006-06-21 22:06:38 UTC
german is 59 percent latin and english is 80 percent latin so just ask something that should make sense. me as non german would answer you in english
2006-06-21 22:02:48 UTC
I do speak english, but sorry I could not write very much because of my bad grammar

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